Thursday, February 19, 2009

Organizing 101 ( Part 2 of 2 )

This is Part 2 of my Organizing 101 Topic. If you missed (or have forgotten) the first one, click here.

The Organizing Day

Psyching Myself
Woke up excited over my project. Had good breakfast. Put on comfy clothes and nice jazz music. Got ready with labels, markers, boxes on hand.

Organizing Proper
  1. Gather all craft supplies. Open containers and boxes. Doing this would determine how to sort, tells me how much supplies I have, and what other organizing supplies I may still need.

  2. Sort same and similar items together. Stickers, punches, paper, ribbons, etc.

  3. Repack some items for easier retrieval. I decided to repack these buttons (see photo) in resealable sandwich bag as they would be a mess once I start opening and using them.

4. Continue sorting until all same items are grouped together.
5. Place items in boxes. Label boxes.

See, it wasn’t that hard. Not really magazine worthy - but they work for me.
It feels good to accomplish something I have been thinking about for a while. What makes it even better was not spending anything for this organizing venture.

If you plan to organize any of your things, keep the following in mind :
  1. Plan Ahead

  2. Be on the lookout for recycle items you can use instead of buying more.

  3. Set a schedule to do it. I scheduled mine for 4 hours of uninterrupted time. I made it in 5. Not bad.
p.s. Still on my organizing schedule : the kitchen cupboards, the locker room, D's closet ( my stuff not his), and blah-blah-blah . . . anyway, Rome was not built in a day . . .


  1. spring cleaning/organizing? you just inspired to reorganize my kitchen. Thanks

  2. I have of organizing to do. Need to get serious about this. My daughter wanted to have a garage sale this summer. We'll see.

  3. Kreez & Au,
    Women never run out of areas to organize. The bad thing is - these areas do not stay organized for long. Is it only me?

  4. I need help with mine... please...

  5. Dang,
    Sige, when will we start. Basta, I am the boss ha?
