Saturday, November 22, 2008

Blogging is for Reconnecting

If there is one thing I am grateful to blogging, it is reconnecting with friends.
AA and JM were my friends back in college. We were 5 care-free girls who together tread the corridors of USC-TC when it was still an all engineering campus. AA, JM, GG, GS and me. After graduation, life overtook, jobs, new directions, and somehow we went our separate ways.
Once in a while we meet, but no longer as a group and communicate by occasional e-mails. Updating was more like how are you, we are okay, followed by a few months of silence.
When I started blogging however, I informed AA right away. I was not so sure how she would react to my entries. Little did I expect she would become a regular reader. She makes comments on any topic she finds interesting and what we can no longer discuss in the comments section, we continue in our e-mails. As e-mails were exchanged more frequently, AA suggested we have a conference call one night.
Last night, the 3 way conference call with AA, JM and me happened. From our first hellos, no ice needs to be broken. It seemed like 26 years did not pass between our friendship. Time stood still and we were 19 again as we remembered our classmates. Our conversation moved so quickly between how is ---, and do you remember ---, and I saw--- in the last PICE convention.
With AA in Florida (USA), me in Toronto (Canada), and JM in Cebu(Philippines) -- our laughter filled the phonelines for several hours. Thanks to blogging, AA, JM and I got reconnected. Remembering that old USC-TC shirt, "Memories were really made in Talamban".


  1. I wanted to tell you that it was really good to hear your voice. It would be awesome if the 5 of us reunite. One day won't be enough to share all the stories, the experiences after '82. We'll pressure JM to work on her tasks.

  2. I was really hyped after our phone call Au! Lingaw kaayo ko. If GS can join us next time, that would really be great... One at a time.

  3. Au's call really turned my bleak day to a happy one. I woke up with a sore throat, it seems to get a lot better after I talked with her. It would be great if the 5 of us can do a conference. Can we not do it on the net? My sisters and I do that although sometimes, we can't get through due to some signal problems.How I wish!

  4. AA and GS,
    So looking forward to our next chat... don't make me wait too long...

  5. "Memories are made in Talamban" ... really!

  6. If you're all hyped up, I'm super charged. Won't be available this weekend since Cya will be home for Thanksgiving break. How about Dec 5,6. I'm obsessed with finding Rubin. Did he gain weight?

  7. Au,
    Dec 5 is good for me -- not 6. Do you know Rubin gave me one of his USC Varsity voleyball jacket?
