Friday, November 21, 2008

Kreez Tagged Me - 8 Random Things

I am taking Kreez tag, I am sharing 8 random things about me today. A bit of trivia before I start. I was planning to write 30 things about myself for my coming birthday, so this is kind of pre-empting myself. But anyway, I am doing this for Kreez.
1) Small things make me happy. It could be quick trip to the dollar store where I can find a lot of stickers, scrapbook embellishments, paper, charms. Whenever I plan to go there, I always tell the hubby to go to the nearby diner so I am not disturbed. I do not buy a lot of stuff though. I am content just by looking and knowing I can find them there when I need them.
2) I lost 40 lbs in 2005. I am happy I did that but now fearful I might gain those pounds back if I don't watch what I eat and do a lot of blogging instead of working out. LOL.
3) Studied and practiced engineering, yet if I am asked to solve a calculus problem now, I am sure I cannot solve it. I still wonder how I passed that subject in college.
4) I love roller coaster rides. I just love them. I am willing to wait in long lines just to get a ride.
5) I have a list of movies I plan to watch during my retirement years. This includes all James Bond movies, a lot of musicals, Harry Potter series, and if possible all Academy Award winner movies. No horror movie makes it to my list.
6) Our condo building is Number 2, XXXX Ave. My office building is also Number 2 XXX St. They are not the same nor near each other. It was just coincidental. View From 2, was one blog name I contemplated upon.
7) During my college days, I always imagined having an only son. Now, I do have an only son.
8) Whenever I buy shoes or pants that I really like, I usually end up getting another pair. My friends tell me I am boring as most of my shoes and pants are of the same color. Call me a lazy shopper or plainly practical.

Now, I’m tagging anyone of you who is interested to share some trivia about yourself. (Dang, Ervin, Bong, you are tagged)

The rules:

1 - Each participant starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
2 - People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3 - At the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their name.
4 - Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.

If you decide to participate, link back here in the comments section so that I could learn a little bit more about you! Have fun!


  1. thanks for doing this tag, its fun noh? to share something about you. Wow 40 lbs that's a lot! hope i can shed those pounds too hehe.
