Friday, February 6, 2009

Jose Rizal

Do you still remember the Jose Rizal story about the slippers? While Jose Rizal was in a boat, one of his slippers fell to the sea. The young Rizal then took the other pair and threw it to the sea. Hoping that whoever would find them would have a usable pair.

Between the hubby, D and me – we are always losing a glove, a mitt, a sock, anything that comes in a pair. Maybe the wind blew the other mitt away. Maybe the bus driver took fancy on just one glove. Maybe the dryer ate the other sock.

It even came to a point of buying the same white or black socks. Several pairs of dollar store gloves. But still I find myself with a black sock on my right and a blue one on my left. A mystery.

So, did you remember that Jose Rizal story? I just told D the story after realizing we cannot find the other pair of his favorite black glove (not a dollar store pair). I wish we know where he lost it – we could have done a Rizal.


  1. I found a black glove at the STC parking lot. Could that have been D's? *LOL*

  2. No, I do not remember the Rizal story but it is a very good story. I may have to use the story one day.

  3. I also don't remember this story. I agree it's a good one.

  4. Dang & Au,
    Were you playing hookey when this story was discussed? I can't believe I was the only one present that day.
    Maybe D's.

  5. I like your new tag line,,,, and I have gotten to love you new page look.
