Tuesday, November 4, 2008

In the Mood

Yes, I am in the mood. For crafting, that is.
I opened my chest full of crafting goodies and I suddenly remembered my crafting life.

Part of my stash
Ask any crafter, and they tell you crafting gives a different kind of high. I find doing crafts ...

Making something out of scrap, by my own hands. The mind is focused only on the matters at hand (literally), like nothing else exists just me and my scissors, pads, markers (or needle and thread, whatever I fancy doing for the moment).

Once I have "created" a few items, I don't want to stop. It is a different kind of addiction, one that refreshes my mind from all the worries and anxieties. The best stress reliever.

The creative side of me. With crafting, there is no limit to my imagination. There are no rules to follow, I only "create" things to please myself.

So for the past nights I made some cards. Christmas, birthday, thank you, anything cards.

Some of these will get to my friends' hands this holiday season.


  1. I am surprised you can still find time to craft... have fun!

  2. Yes, I do still -- when it is a full moon...
