Monday, December 5, 2016

EmaRene 2016 Christmas Village - Rev 3

Thankful for a friend who feeds the inner child in me - so goes my Facebook status. Thus came the train - donated by a friend. I have no space for a train, I realized too late. But I have been wanting to have a train in my village. First, train test - and thankfully it still worked. Then I took apart everything that I worked on to revise the whole arrangement. (Meaning all the 4 plus hours of work last Saturday was gone.)

And yes you read it right - this is Rev 3. There was a minor change I did in between during the week which can be called Rev 2.

It took me around 5 hours to rearrange everything - and here goes Revision No. 3. The biggest change here is the presence of the train at the center and the addition of the extension on the left.

Made all these changes on a very hectic weekend of Nov 26.
I was beginning to be happy.

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