Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Santa is Coming

After 5 years of being kept in a box, I finally decided to take out and put together my Santa puzzle. From Norman Rockwell's "Mapping His Course", this 1000 pieces, 24"x30" challenge dominated my days and waking hours.
 Day 1. The Opening.

The next day. Borders done. Almost.

 Day 10. Getting there.
Several times I told myself I am giving up. I may not be able to finish this project by Dec 25. But I just cannot stop either. It crossed my mind that some pieces maybe missing since I got this from the thrift store. Some nights, my eyes got to sore and tired. I got headaches too.

Then finally, Day 12. DONE! Completed. 
After a fun party with friends, I hurried home to finish Santa. I was fidgety and nervous. One missing piece could ruin this project. All the eye sores, sleepless nights and not going out would be in vain. I asked myself "how could the last 50 pieces be this nerve wracking?"

 But this Santa is all worth it. A project started. A project completed. 
It was a learning experience. Never to give up.  Trusting that all pieces will fit and have their places. No matter how complicated the situation seem to be, it will pass. Life lessons in a puzzle.

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