Shooting of D's short film is finally over. 10 shooting days in all (1 in August, 9 in September). 8 Locations.A period of action, coordination, emotions, stress, new friends, learning.
A few highlights of our shooting days :
What to do when cameraman and camera are no longer available after the first day of shoot. What to do when one cast is no longer available. (A total script re-write had to be made).
How to shoot a cemetery scene when you are not allowed to. Turned out to be the smoothest shoot we had.
Filming without permit , otherwise known as “Prayer works”.
Waking up as early as 5:30 am to pick-up cast as subway do not open until 9 am. 4 hours after getting drivers license, new driver (aka director) drives to location.
Living on Tim Horton’s, Burger King, McDonald and Chinese food.
So we did have our share of problems like :
Equipment in availability and breakdown (putting shooting was put to a halt)
Cast & crew not making it on time ( they have a life too you know! and remember their services are free!)
Locations have time limits (as they are free of charge courtesy of friends)
How do you ask and thank your friends
Paid locations also give you headaches as they want more $ from you -- even with their lousy facility.
Locations not that easy to find -- cast and crew getting lost (thus losing filming time)
What to feed cast & crew after filming
Prop list not provided earlier
Working on barest minimum manpower (D on camera while I do grip, make-up girl acting as waitress in one scene)
My salute to the professionalism of cast, crew and D’s friends who gave their time and talent to support him. If it were not for D, I would never have experienced the highs and lows of movie making. It is a totally different world.
More to come?
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