Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Bird Photography

I am always thankful for those who have admired my bird photos.
But I take my hats off to those who took beautiful bird photos long before I did. It is easy to imagine that the birds stay put and wait for you to take your best shot. Ha! And double ha!

Few birds are friendly like the chickadees and doves – but for all the other winged specie – eat your heart out. They perch and look at you. They wait when you are close enough, sit still while you set your camera, they do cute little things like sing, even go for a sideways pose. Then right at the second before you click - they fly away. What a tease!
Patience, luck, timing and everything else in between is the key.

Photos : Top - downy woodpecker, Middle - mourning doves, Bottom - black capped chickadee all taken at Lynde Shores Conservation Area in Oshawa.

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