Thursday, February 15, 2018

Casablanca and Hostiles

2 Movies I watched lately were Hostiles (released 2018) and Casablanca (released 1943 - my 2nd or 3rd time to watch the movie though). 75 years in between the two movies but I could not help but see the similarities/parallelism.

Hostiles follows Christian Bale as the US officer who must escort a Cheyenne war chief and his family back to their home in Montana in 1892.

Casablanca is set during World War II with the story of Humphrey Bogart the American who must choose between his love for a woman, Ingrid Bergman and helping her and husband escape.

Both movies had 2 leaders who are at odds with each other. In both movies one leader/character is the key to bringing the other one home. Both leaders have their own beliefs, leadership styles and values, both head strong. In the end they accomplished what needed to be done and earned the respect of the other leader. In both stories the leaders gave up on love.

It made me ponder that after 75 years of movie making, movie themes rarely change. Though presented in different ways - it is still the same human struggle, life stories and lessons.

The best film review  I have read of Hostiles, I have read here.   Meanwhile forCasablanca nobody can do it better than Roger Ebert himself. Read his review on Casablanca here.

While I watched Hostiles at the Scarborough Town Centre, my recent Casablanca experience was made more unforgettable with the Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony Orchestra playing live at the Kitchener Main theater.

Casablanca - January 19, 2018, Kitchener Main Theatre
Hostiles - January 18, 2018, Scarborough Town Centre

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