All this searching led me to think of other things that I know I can no longer find. I use to write long letters when I was in high-school and college. Not only letters, I also wrote a few articles for the school publications, entered essay writing contests, and wrote silly poems back then. I had copies of some of those articles. However, when we decided to migrate to Canada, I thought I will never go back to writing, thus while packing I burned all my copies. I even had a thick collection of poems, some from other writers, some written by me when I was young and silly. Back then, I felt no remorse in what I did. Only lately do I remember and I feel so sad because no matter what I do, I can never have them back.
I mentioned this to my friend recently and she told me, books and references you can find in the internet now, but those things you have destroyed you will never find anywhere, because they were you. Regrets do come last.

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