Friday, March 11, 2011

Being Alone

What's the best way to have fun? For me - being all by myself. It may sound crazy for others - but that is ME.

When at home there is so much I can do. From crafting, to blogging, to writing my ever-continuous bucket list, to doing household chores, to watching movies. I could never be bored at home.

When traveling, I can listen to myself, make notes, read my books, or listen to music. I do not have to speak to someone. My mind can wander to any place or conceive any idea - ridiculous or otherwise.

Don't get me wrong, I love company once in a while - but being by myself is the best.

1 comment:

  1. There's nothing wrong of being alone for as long as you are comfortable with it. In some ways, there are points to disagree in the saying, "No man is an island". In the company of dreams and hobbies in privacy is elation to a certain degree.
